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Books, books and... more Books!

Hello, Angels!

April didn't brought only good memories, smiles and holiday cheer. It also brought me a whole lot of new books that I have no idea when am I going to read them (I hope it will be soon) and where am I going to store them - my whole library is full at home.

Eh, what can I say - if I see a good book, I just can't resist and I have to buy it. Maybe after all those books I can finally get two or three cats... Okay, fine - seven cats, but who counts?

Probably by now you alredy know what this post is all about but, a promise is a promise and I have to keep it.

In the usual Monthly Overview I have told you I got some books and I wish I could show you all of them.

By the way, have you read the Monthly Overview for April? If you haven't - then quickly Click on this { LINK } and start reading!

Now let's move on to more importnat stuff - Books!

P.S. Just so you know, this time I will attach not only the original English covers to the books,

This thing here is the most amateur GIF that I could ever make. So Enjoy it! That's all I can do.

but also I will attach pictures that I have taken (yes, all by myself) with the Bulgarian covers as well.

If there are photographers - professional or not, please don't judge me. I am not good at taking photos and I do it as good as I can. (Yes, I am aware I suck at this photos thing, and the GIF stuff as well.)

If you want to know how I take the pictures - it usually goes like this: I take the book, drop it at least five times until I manage to take the picture and it usually takes a lot of time. Good thing is - that the magic happens from the first picture!

Now moving on to the books!

Book 1 - "Poison" by Sarah Pinborough

On the left - English Cover, On the Right - Bulgarian Cover

The book is quite small - only 148 pages, but I am quite curious about it. This is a modern interpretation of the classic "Snow White and the Seven Dwarves" fairy tale.

The back cover says:

Snow white but now as you know it.

Jealous Queen,handsome Prince, beautiful Princess and a Poisoned Apple.

... Now it's time to get to know the real story of Snow White.

So, keep your fingers crossed the book to be as good as the back cover. I haven't started it yet, because I have lots to catch up on with at least three more reviews and a book to finish with. Considering the pages though, without any doubt I can say that I will finish this one in an hour or so. The moment I read it - you will definitely get a review. If you have read the books - don't be shy and share your opinion. I will be very happy to read it.

Book 2 - "Just the Sexiest Man Alive" by Julie James

This books is supposed to be classic chick lit - one of those romantic comedies that we watch on Hallmark Channel and so much enjoy. Or is it only me? Okay, fine, I love a good love story. And yes, I know it's far from YA fantasy, and I can't just jump from fantasy to romance, but who cares? For my romance passion about books you can blame it all on Jane Austeen.

I can't wait to start this book, but that would be when I finish with "A Court of Thorns and Roses" Series by Sarah J. Maas.

If you have read this one already, please share your thoughts with me.

Book 3 - "Something About You" by Julie James

I know that the translation of the title has been lost somewhere in Bulgarian and it means a completely different thing, but that didn't stop me at all.

This book is also one of those amazing romantic comedies that you are laughing with tears and then give a dreamy sigh. To be honest, I bought it because I liked the cover. And yes - you shouldn't judge a book by its cover

This is why I will tell you a secret of mine. Okay, it's just a weird thing that I do. I don't look at the covers that often or read reviews. What I do is actually read the back cover of the book, then open the last page of the book and read it. If the ending is good - then the book would be, too. That's exactly how I choose all of the books I buy and read.

Book 4 - "A Northern Light" by Jennifer Donnely

This book was on the discount shelf at the Bookstore, who knows exactly why.

I am such a big fan of everything that is during the 1800-1900's and when I've read on the back cover the following:

mystery, murder, 1906 - I just instantly took the book without even thinking.

Now I can't wait to read it.

Book 5 - "The Glass Kitchen" by Linda Francis Lee

This book was also on the discount shelf and who doesn't love a good bargain? So I got it.

This should be a typical love story, drama - from the ones that makes you think deeply on what is important in life.

And when it is mixed with food, instantly in my head appears an image of at least ten different rom com movies.

Book 6 - "A Waltz with Twelve Gods" by Lena Manta

I am a sucker for Greek mythology and this book got me instantly.

Sadly, it doesn't have an English cover or translate, but I have managed to find the Greek one.

The back cover was very attractive, for a person that doesn't read the back covers that much. However, at the moment I've opened the book and read the last page - I couldn't make myself stop, so I almost read the last chapter right there at the bookstore.

If you are a fan of Greek mythology (and it doesn't matter that I haven't read the book yet), I think that this just may be the book for you! I intend to read it shortly.

Book 7 - "The Siren" by Kiera Cass

Since I love Kiera Cass and "The Selection" series, I have decided to give a chance to this lonely book.

I haven't read it yet, but it should be a typical love story and romance about a siren and a boy. It looks a lot like re-telling of "The Little Mermaid" to me.

I hope it will be interesting as much as "The Selection" series.

Book 8 - "A Curse so Dark and Lonely" by Brigid Kemerer

To be honest this is another YA fantasy book, that is a re-telling of a classic fairy tale. And I am a huge sucker for those.

It is a re-telling of "The Beauty and the Beast".

Since I was very little I am quite in love with this fairy tale, I couldn't wait for the book to be published and buy it.

Now that I have it - I can't wait to read it and I hope that it will be up to my expectations.

I have to say I wasn't exactly on board with it when I read the back cover description, however I loved the last page of the book.

Book 9 - "Grim Lovelies" by Megan Shepherd

Now, I have to say that I hate buying a book that is part of Series that haven't been translated yet and who knows when they will be. This book is just one of those.

However, I was so in love with the last page of the book and with the ending that I had to buy it.

I can't wait to read it because I think that this would be an amazing, interesting and exciting adventure.

Book 10 - "The Darkest Part of the Forest" by Holly Black

All I can say is that Holly Black is amazing! Also - I love the cover! It's so beautiful and mysterious and... I can't even describe it.

When I've read the back cover and the last pages... Yes, I've read the last three pages of the story while still at the bookstore. This would be an amazing adventure! Mystery, fantasy , re-telling of a fairy tale - "Snow White" but with an Elven prince instead of a Princess in a Glass coffin.

Just only the description was screaming at me: "Buy me! Buy me!" ...And there was I at the checkout - buying the book. Well, I couldn't let the book yelling after me , right?

Book 11 - "The Coincidence Makers" by Yoav Blum

I have no idea why I bought this book - the cover was amazing and dreamlike, the description was also good. It got me right on the feelings and the last page...

I think that this would be quite a good mystery and ball of feelings, it will be easy to read and nice but in the same time filled with emotions, deep and will make you think about what in life is important.

I will definitely read it soon. And that's a promise.

Book 12 and Book 13 - "Ash Princess" and "Lady Smoke" by Laura Sebastian

After I've read "Throne of Glass" by Sarah J. Maas, now everything that is in this line fascinates me. Intrigues, castles, kingdoms, adventures...

In this line of thoughts, after I've read the last pages of the books, I thought: "Well, this would be the next Series that I will read." And I can't wait to start them.

Ah, I can't wait to start about a billion of books right now. I hope I have the time for all of them.

Book 13, Book 14 and Book 15 - "Blessed", "Heralds" and "Keepers" - this is "The Curse of the Voronyn" Trylogy by Tsvetelina Vladimirova

Sadly those books are by Bulgarian Author and they don't have exact translate to English or English covers, so you will have to get used to with the Bulgarian covers.

I can't tear my soul and say otherwise - for those books I've read one or two reviews.

The story is quite interesting and captivating. Secrets long kept, curses, war, intrigues and a captivating story line.

Book 16 - "Unrooted" by Naomi Novik

This is the first book from another series with a very captivating and quite complicated story line.

Dragons, intrigues, kingdoms, etc.

And yes, I bought the second book as well.

Book 17 - "Spinning Silver" by Naomi Novik

I guess with the path I'm currently walking in, I will meet only fairy tales and re-tellings. But there is nothing wrong with liking fairy tales.

Nor there is not a thing wrong in a new, interesting and captivating view on the classing fairy tales.

So, this is the second book by the Series by Naomi Novik and I can't wait to dive in to the pages with all those magical kingdoms and lands.

Have you read this one? I would love to hear your thoughts on it. And of course on all of the books I've bought so far, so don't be shy and comment away!

Book 18 - "Everless" by Sara Holland

As I have probably mention a billion times before I love YA fantasy, and this is a typical one that is similar to "Throne of Glass" series by Sarah J. Maas.

A Queen, intrigues, Kingdom and.. of course lots of suspense and conflicts .

I can't wait to read it. Also, the second book of the series is coming soon!

Book 19 - "The Queen's Rising" by Rebecca Ross

I was quite excited for this book to come out , but you can't possibly wonder why.

Here are the reasons:

1. YA fantasy

2. Queen

3. Kingdom

4. Intrigues

The good thing is that at the moment "Ciela" publishing are working on the second book as well, so the first one won't be lonely on my shelf.

Book 20 and Book 21 - "Paper Princess" and "Broken Prince" by Erin Watt

Those are First and Second book from The Royals series.

This one so much reminded me of "The Selection" series by Kiera Cass so I couldn't possibly pass it by.

And I hope it would be this much interesting as well.

Book 22, Book 23 and Book 24 - "Twisted Palace", "Fallen Heir" and "Cracked Kingdom" by Erin Watt

Of course I bought the Third, the Fourth and the Fifth book from "The Royals" series.

Well, you can't possibly buy the First and the Second and not get the rest. When you are getting Series - you will have to get all of the books.

I could only hope to have enough time to read them all.

I can't wait for "Kingdom of Ash" by Sarah J. Maas

Sadly, "Egmont" publishing have released only a special edition and it will be in the bookstores after the Holidays, so I will get it during May.

So this is how far I have gotten with the April books - there are so many of them that I would barely have time. One thing is for sure though - they would all be read in a matter of a day.

I don't want to even think about all the books that are to be published in the next couple of months, because I really don't have much space to store them.

Have you already checked what books are to be published? If you haven't, you can check {HERE} .I have put in just a small piece of the the books that I am excited about and that would be published soon.

If you want to read more about what is up to be published, you can check the following web pages: "Egmont" Publishing { HERE }, "Ciela" Publishing { HERE }, "Ibis" Publishing { HERE }

Me, on the other hand - I think Ihave come with a solution to the space problem. I could maybe eventually open a private library!

Well, my Dearest Angels, I do hope I haven't bore you from all the books I've bought.

You can keep an eye on the Blog and stay tuned to get all the details and the reviews that I am about to post!

And don't stop reading! You know what they say: A book a day keeps the reality away!

XoXo, - K.

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