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Sunday update... but on Monday?

Hello my dearest Angels!

How was your week? Mine has passed so quickly.

After the disasterous train trip and the horriple railway adventures I can only hope that I won't have to catch the train again. At least not in a long time.

I have to say that out of all the things I've thought that I will do last week, I did only half of them. I guess half would be an exagerration.

Now here are my weekly goals. (let's keep our fingers crossed that I'll manage to do all of it.)

1. I have already started reading "Empire of Storms" - the next book from "Throne of Glass" series by Sarah J. Maas and I've had such high hopes to read it by the end of the week. That didn't happen. I am so far on 255th page. I hope I will at least finish it by the end of this week. Let's not keep our hopes that high.

2. I have continued with the adventures of our favorite grim reaper Charley Davidson in the third book "Third Grave Dead Ahead". The book is quite promising, but I doubt I'll finish it soon. If I do - you got yourselves a badass review! And that's a promise.

3. I have finished reading the first book of "The Dresden Files" series by Jim Butcher - "Storm Front" as we were reading it in my Book Club. Now you can expect my review and my thoughts on that throughout this week.

4. I think that I've already mentioned my bad luck with Alyson Noel's series "The Immortals" and since I've lost my time reading the first book, it's only fair to write you a review and to share my disappointment with you guys about the second book - "Blue Moon". Yes, you will get a review on this one and don't you think of not reading it!

5. While I was back home and scattering through my old books, I've actually found one that made me think why on Earth did I bought this and when... Then I've remembered that I've got it a long time ago while waiting for a train to catch with a magazine, but I never actually read it. The book is called "Very Valentine" by Adriana Trigiani. It looks quite promising so I am about to read it and to tell you what exactly I think of this Valentine and would it be Very or not.

I do still keep my hopes up high that I'll manage to do all that I've said I will.

I am thinking of going to rattle the stars and the book world and dive in to some books, and you my dearest Angels, don't stop reading. If you are lazy to read the books - keep an eye on the blog and stay tuned. I think you will find something very interesting that worths your attention!

I will see you in the next review.

Until then, don't forget: A book a day keeps the reality away!

XoXo, - K.

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