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Sunday thoughts...

Hello, Angels!

How was your week? I hope it was great. Mine? Considering I’ve had so many obligations and work to do as an adult (sometimes I want so badly to go back to my my high school days...) yet my week was good.

The weather? Cloudy with a chance of sun to show on the sky, but you never know for sure. At least I am not shivering from the cold. Yet I am in such a mood (No it’s not depression.) that I want to see rain. I am dying for rain... pouring rain, light rain, or a windy thunderstorm... Whatever it is - as long as it is rain...Sadly I don’t think the weather is on my side. If only I couls control it... Maybe there’s a good reason that I cannot.

Probably by now you are wondering if there’ something wrong with me or that I am crazy for writing so early in the morning. And if you are wondering that - you are on the right path, but this time it’s not that. I am traveling.

If you are now wondering what the hell is this picture above, well wonder no more. Behold the train station! And do you know what is better than three hours and a half on the train? Well writing to you, my dearest Angels.

Now, let’s move on to better things as I am sure that my train adventures are not that interesting at all.

During the week I have managed to do a couple of things: I’ve finished “Heir of Fire” by Sarah J. Maas, and yesterday I’ve even manages to finish with “Second grave on the left” by Darynda Jones. I have already wrote you a review to “Heir of Fire”, but if you haven’t read it yet... Well, what are you waiting for? It’s about time that you do!

Next week I predict that it will be filled with lots of reading, so please check the blog and don’t miss out a thing - I promise you will not regret it.

And without further a do, here are my goals for next week and what to expect:

1. Review to “Second grave on the left” by Darynda Jones. Yes, Charley Davidson’s adventure continues and surely are more interesting than my own.

2. About Wednesday I am planning to give you a review to “Queen of Shadows” the fourth book from “Throne of Glass” series by Sarah J. Maas where Aelin’s adventures take romantic, twisted, dangerous turn.

3. I really want to start “Empire of Storms” the book after “Queen of Shadows” but that highly depends will I be able to finish the book by the end of the week first. We will see about that.

4. I have already startes with the third book of Charley Davidson’s adventures in “Third grave dead ahead” so if I am not able to read it by the end of the week... Well, let’s hole that I will.

5. I will try and give you something interesting to read throughout the week because you, my dearest Angels - you deserve it, but it will be a total surprise. What will it be? Subscribe for the blog, stay tuned and don’t miss out!

I guess that when one is in a train and is facing a long trip, probably there are not many great things that one can do... If we don’t count the various different strangers that only awaits you to sit and they start giving you any sort of useless information or just tell you all their life story... If I hear something interesting - I promise I’ll tell.

For now I will just put my headphones on and turn on some soothing melody, provides by some great musicians and bands.. I think that Iron Maiden will do the work. What? No? You don’t find their music soothing? Well shame on you!

I guess I will just listen to whatever my playlist decides it’s in the mood for.

I wish you a lovely week filled with lots of laughter, smiles and book adventures.

Love yourselves and keep reading. I’m quite a big fan of the last one myself.

And you know what they say? A book a day keeps the reality away.

XoXo, -K.

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